Saturday, January 3, 2009

The law of conservation of happiness!

I have been quite complex in my writing during my recent posts. I will make this simple.


1. Life is a game.
2. We are not the sole players. Assume even nature is playing.
3. Just as in a game, One wins and other loses. And the probability of choosing a strategy stabilises over time.
4. All the explanation about taking both success and failure in the same spirit is set aside for some time.

The theory:

I call it The law of conservation of happiness.
"Happiness can neither be created nor destroyed. It can be transformed from one entity to another."


1. We win and nature loses (Mining)

2. Nature wins and we lose (Death of a person)

3. I win a contract someone loses.

4. Let’s take a slightly complex example.
Say I am a part of a group of 6 members. And say we are researching into something. When someone finds something, another person becomes happy but is forced to discover something better. Here now, two things can happen. One, the second person discovers and this happiness gets multiplied (for this he has to be competent). But an onlooker will become sad seeing this. Or two, the second person can become discontent and hence the theory.
Of the above two, the second scenario happens most of the time as there is a lack of competency most of the time. And so that’s why I guess you find at least 50% of the people discontent with work. And hence the theory.

5. But some can say that happiness gets multiplied when shared. I will dispute this. Say I share a happy news with someone. Now both of us are happy. But the choice of selection of that person comes out of preferences. You can’t like everyone or share with everyone (at least). And so the multiplication effect of the happiness is nullified by the multiplication effect of the sorrow of the out-of-preference people. This may sound silly though.

6. Now say you meet a sad person. Then what follows is the reverse flow of happiness. The sad person gets the attention and the onlooker gets a little sad seeing him. And having got the attention, the sad person becomes better.

I am not trying to over-simplify. This may be true.


Someday's dreamer said...

I just finished CF, so I'm guessing you realize I'm not happy right now. Cynical and irritated would be more apt.
In this mood, I'd like to refute your "Happiness can neither be created nor destroyed" statement, because an object as simple as 4 sheets of printed paper effectively destroyed my happiness.
The other issue is.... how on earth is this over simplifying ???
I'd like to end by reminding you that CF paper tends to make people VERY cynical about life in general.

Sivaprakasam said...

Oh then, wht makes u happy can make someone sad. Guess u had it at the cost of a person who enjoyed that paper. :)